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Get activity events (occurrences)

GET PublicApi/{rewriteUrl}/{language}/Events







The result can include different states of occurrences, namely: Normal: is scheduled Skipped: the specific occurrence was skipped due to a conflict with a holiday or manually by an administrator Cancelled: the activity was cancelled, therefore this occurrence too Archived: the activity was cancelled, but there was registration linked to this occurrence. The URL is a link to the activity's page in the store. This can be useful if you want to display the occurrences in a calendar and refer to the registration page of the activity.

Request Information

URI Parameters

rewriteUrl (string)

Unique, url-friendly organization token. Part of base url

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

start (date)

Inclusive start limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. When both start and end are omitted, returns events for today

end (date)

Inclusive end limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. If end is omitted, retrieves only for one day specified by start

programId (integer)

Id of the program in which the event is. Default value is null

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

onlyTeam (boolean)

Option to return only team activities.

Default value is False

showImages (boolean)

Default value is True


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

id (integer)
start (date)
end (date)
allDay (boolean)
title (string)
url (string)
state (ActivitySegmentState)
Type (string)
Fee (decimal number)
AttendanceString (string)
HasPlaceLeft (boolean)
CanRegister (boolean)
CanUnregister (boolean)
HasPassed (boolean)
HasDropIns (boolean)
PictureUrl (string)

Url of the resource picture

ExtraInformation (string)
IsHidden (boolean)
Day (string)
IsHome (boolean)
IsTeamRegistration (boolean)
IsTeam (boolean)
MaxAttendance (integer)

Maximum number of spots

Description (string)

Description of the activity that will be visible to your customers in your store

CalendarSeriesId (integer)
Price (decimal number)

Price of activity

ActivityId (integer)

Id of the activity

ActivityName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

SubCategoryId (integer)

Id of the subcategory

SubCategoryName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

CategoryId (integer)

Id of the category

CategoryName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

ProgramId (integer)

Id of the program

ProgramName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

Location (string)

Object containing location id and name

HashId (string)
ExtraPoints (string)
Facilities ()
Staff ()

Object containing staff id, first name, last name and state

resourceId (integer)
Tags ()

Object containing the id and name of a tag. Tags are used to group and retrieve activities, such as 'morning' or 'George Smith'

AttendanceSummary (ActivitySegmentEventAttendanceSummary)

Response Formats

    "id": 12,
    "start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "end": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "allDay": false,
    "title": "1st week of March",
    "url": "march/week/1st",
    "state": "Normal",
    "Type": "Segment type",
    "Fee": 0.0,
    "AttendanceString": "Attendance string",
    "HasPlaceLeft": false,
    "CanRegister": false,
    "CanUnregister": false,
    "HasPassed": false,
    "HasDropIns": false,
    "PictureUrl": "img/picture.jpg",
    "ExtraInformation": "Bring snacks",
    "IsHidden": false,
    "Day": "Sunday",
    "IsHome": false,
    "IsTeamRegistration": false,
    "IsTeam": false,
    "MaxAttendance": 0,
    "Description": "description string",
    "CalendarSeriesId": 0,
    "Price": 16.0,
    "ActivityId": 0,
    "ActivityName": "Natation - evaluation initiale",
    "SubCategoryId": 0,
    "SubCategoryName": "",
    "CategoryId": 0,
    "CategoryName": "",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Natation",
    "Location": "Bassin 25m",
    "HashId": null,
    "ExtraPoints": null,
    "Facilities": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "Natatorium de Verdun",
        "Address": {
          "Telephone": "514 926 8888",
          "AddressLine1": "7000 boul Lasalle",
          "AddressLine2": "Building 2",
          "City": "Verdun",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H4G 1A1",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "Latitude": 41.3176,
          "Longitude": 135.5858
    "Staff": [
        "Id": 0,
        "AmiliaId": "P0478951",
        "Name": "Melvin Melville"
    "resourceId": 1,
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Activity_Id": 0,
        "Name": "Morning",
        "Color": "orange",
        "Icon": "fa-rocket",
        "IsVisibleToClients": false
        "Id": 2,
        "Activity_Id": 0,
        "Name": "Ginette",
        "Color": "pink",
        "Icon": "fa-umbrella",
        "IsVisibleToClients": false
    "AttendanceSummary": {
      "PersonCount": 8,
      "StatusCounts": {},
      "ValueCounts": {}
    "id": 12,
    "start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "end": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "allDay": false,
    "title": "1st week of March",
    "url": "march/week/1st",
    "state": "Normal",
    "Type": "Segment type",
    "Fee": 0.0,
    "AttendanceString": "Attendance string",
    "HasPlaceLeft": false,
    "CanRegister": false,
    "CanUnregister": false,
    "HasPassed": false,
    "HasDropIns": false,
    "PictureUrl": "img/picture.jpg",
    "ExtraInformation": "Bring snacks",
    "IsHidden": false,
    "Day": "Sunday",
    "IsHome": false,
    "IsTeamRegistration": false,
    "IsTeam": false,
    "MaxAttendance": 0,
    "Description": "description string",
    "CalendarSeriesId": 0,
    "Price": 16.0,
    "ActivityId": 0,
    "ActivityName": "Natation - evaluation initiale",
    "SubCategoryId": 0,
    "SubCategoryName": "",
    "CategoryId": 0,
    "CategoryName": "",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Natation",
    "Location": "Bassin 25m",
    "HashId": null,
    "ExtraPoints": null,
    "Facilities": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "Natatorium de Verdun",
        "Address": {
          "Telephone": "514 926 8888",
          "AddressLine1": "7000 boul Lasalle",
          "AddressLine2": "Building 2",
          "City": "Verdun",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H4G 1A1",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "Latitude": 41.3176,
          "Longitude": 135.5858
    "Staff": [
        "Id": 0,
        "AmiliaId": "P0478951",
        "Name": "Melvin Melville"
    "resourceId": 1,
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Activity_Id": 0,
        "Name": "Morning",
        "Color": "orange",
        "Icon": "fa-rocket",
        "IsVisibleToClients": false
        "Id": 2,
        "Activity_Id": 0,
        "Name": "Ginette",
        "Color": "pink",
        "Icon": "fa-umbrella",
        "IsVisibleToClients": false
    "AttendanceSummary": {
      "PersonCount": 8,
      "StatusCounts": {},
      "ValueCounts": {}