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Get reservations for an organization

GET api/V3/{language}/org/{orgIdentifier}/reservations






Returns a list of reservations ordered by id, with the option to specify start and end dates.

Request Information

URI Parameters

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

showCancelled (boolean)

Option to also return cancelled items.

Default value is False


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

ReservationId (string)
Title (string)

Title of the resource

Type (ReservationType)
Start (date)

Inclusive start limit. Format is 9999-12-31

End (date)

Inclusive end limit. Format is 9999-12-31

AllDay (boolean)

True when occurrence (event) lasts all day

IsCancelled (boolean)
Location (LocationSummaryWithAddressApiModelV3)

Object containing location id and name

BookingType (BookingTypeSummaryApiModelV3)
AdminBooking (AdminBookingSummaryApiModelV3)

Extra information on scheduled admin booking

Activity (ActivitySummaryApiModelV3)

Object containing the activity details (activity id and name, program id and name, category id and name, subcategory id and name)

For a reservation, the Activity object can be null

Contract (ReservationSummaryRentalContractApiModelV3)

In an activity, object containing the reservation contract id and admin notes

For a reservation, the Contract object can be null

Client (ReserveeApiModelV3)

In an activity, object containing the client details for a reservation

For a reservation, the Client object can be null

Response Formats

    "ReservationId": null,
    "Title": "Soccer field 1 for Team Bob",
    "Type": "RentalContract",
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T16:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 avenue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Boucherville",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4B 7J3"
      "Id": 871178,
      "Name": "Soccer field 1"
    "BookingType": {
      "Id": 754457,
      "Name": "AAA",
      "Color": "Yellow"
    "AdminBooking": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Name": null,
      "Description": null,
      "SetupOption": null
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1337,
      "Name": "Soccer Camp",
      "ProgramId": 14,
      "ProgramName": "Summer Camps",
      "CategoryId": 19992,
      "CategoryName": "Young teens",
      "SubCategoryId": 15882,
      "SubCategoryName": "Sports",
      "Url": "",
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Contract": {
      "Id": 888,
      "ContractNumber": "123 v1",
      "AdminNotes": "See Chantal",
      "Notes": null,
      "Version": 2,
      "LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
      "SetupOption": null
    "Client": {
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Andre",
      "LastName": "Gauthier",
      "FullName": "Andre Gauthier",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "1984-09-01",
      "Email": "",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": -73.4717,
        "Longitude": 45.4006,
        "Address1": "650 Boul. Taschereau",
        "Address2": "App. 8",
        "City": "La Prairie",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J5R 1V6"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
      "IsChild": false
    "ReservationId": null,
    "Title": "Soccer field 1 for Team Bob",
    "Type": "RentalContract",
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T16:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 avenue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Boucherville",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4B 7J3"
      "Id": 871178,
      "Name": "Soccer field 1"
    "BookingType": {
      "Id": 754457,
      "Name": "AAA",
      "Color": "Yellow"
    "AdminBooking": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Name": null,
      "Description": null,
      "SetupOption": null
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1337,
      "Name": "Soccer Camp",
      "ProgramId": 14,
      "ProgramName": "Summer Camps",
      "CategoryId": 19992,
      "CategoryName": "Young teens",
      "SubCategoryId": 15882,
      "SubCategoryName": "Sports",
      "Url": "",
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Contract": {
      "Id": 888,
      "ContractNumber": "123 v1",
      "AdminNotes": "See Chantal",
      "Notes": null,
      "Version": 2,
      "LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
      "SetupOption": null
    "Client": {
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Andre",
      "LastName": "Gauthier",
      "FullName": "Andre Gauthier",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "1984-09-01",
      "Email": "",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": -73.4717,
        "Longitude": 45.4006,
        "Address1": "650 Boul. Taschereau",
        "Address2": "App. 8",
        "City": "La Prairie",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J5R 1V6"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
      "IsChild": false