Bassin olympique Montréal QC H3C 1A9 CA

Start date: Monday, November 12 2018.


 On Monday, Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

 From 11/12/2018 until 4/24/2019

 Athletes Quarters'

 On Friday from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.

 From 11/16/2018 until 4/26/2019

 Athletes Quarters'

Location: Athletes Quarters'


Ce programme s'adresse aux rameurs Maître de notre saison sur l'eau ainsi que les rameurs du programme récréatif qui ont intention de participer aux compétitions d'aviron intérieur.

Dans un but de se pousser plus loin, le programme performance est conçu pour vous préparer au championnat québécois d'aviron en salle et ergathon de Dawson College.

Les entraînements sont le lundi, le mercredi et le vendredi.


This program is for our Masters rowers and for Recreational rowers who would like to compete during the winter indoor competitions.

The Performance program is made for those who want to push themselves further and want to compete at the Québec Indoor Rowing Championship and the Dawson College Ergathon.

Training is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Available: 2/25

Price: $325.00 Taxes not included

Required age: 21+ on the day of the activity

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