109 Vanderhoof Ave Unit 6 East York ON M4G 2H7 CA

Start date: Friday, September 15 2023.


 On Friday from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

 From 9/15/2023 until 12/22/2023

Location: 109 Vanderhoof Ave, Unit 6, Toronto ON


Our teenage filmmaking class is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the art of storytelling through the medium of film. The course is perfect for teenagers who have an interest in film and want to explore the world of filmmaking.

Participants will learn the fundamental techniques of filmmaking, including scriptwriting, storyboarding, cinematography, sound recording, and editing. They will work with digital cameras and other filmmaking equipment to create their own short films, learning to tell their stories visually.

Through practical activities and group projects, students will develop their creativity and imagination, while also learning how to collaborate effectively with other students. They will gain a deeper understanding of the filmmaking process, from the initial idea to the final edit, and how to use storytelling techniques to engage and captivate their audience.

In addition to the practical activities, students will explore the history and theory of filmmaking, including famous filmmakers and different genres and styles. They will learn about the power of film as a medium for communication and expression, and how to use it to tell stories and express their own unique perspectives.

At the end of the course, students will have a completed short film that they can showcase to their peers and family. The course will provide a solid foundation for anyone interested in pursuing filmmaking further or exploring their creativity through other visual mediums.

Our teenage filmmaking class is perfect for teenagers who have an interest in storytelling and want to learn how to bring their ideas to life through the medium of film. Whether they dream of becoming a filmmaker or simply want to have fun exploring their creativity and imagination, this course will give them the essential skills and knowledge to get started.

Available: 11

Price: $0.00 Taxes not included

Required age: 13 - 17 years old on the day of the activity

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