109 Vanderhoof Ave Unit 6 East York ON M4G 2H7 CA

Start date: Wednesday, January 10 2024.


 On Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

 From 1/10/2024 until 3/6/2024

Location: 109 Vanderhoof Ave, Unit 6, Toronto ON


Our fashion design course is a fantastic opportunity for teenagers to explore their creativity and develop their skills in the world of fashion design. Throughout the class, students will learn a variety of techniques and skills that will help them create their own unique designs. This includes learning fashion terminology, illustration, sewing, pattern designing, and more.

Students will also explore the history of fashion design, including the evolution of styles and trends over time. They will learn about notable fashion designers and their contributions to the industry. Additionally, students will stay current on the latest trends and learn how to incorporate them into their own designs.

One of the most valuable aspects of the class is the personalized feedback that each student will receive from the experienced instructor. This one-on-one attention will help students become better critical thinkers and skilled designers, as they receive guidance on how to improve their work.

Overall, the fashion design class at CCSA is an exciting opportunity for teenagers to develop their creativity and learn valuable skills that they can use throughout their lives. Whether they're interested in pursuing a career in fashion or just want to express themselves creatively, this class will give them the tools they need to succeed.

Available: 9

Price: $0.00 Taxes not included

Required age: 11 - 17 years old on the day of the activity

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