38 Hill Street Roswell GA 30075 US

Start date: Tuesday, September 10 2024.


 On Tuesdays, Thursdays from 6:15 PM to 7:40 PM.

 20 times starting 9/10/2024

Resource person: Apiatkowski@roswellgov.com


The advanced gymnast must be able to execute a back bend kickover from a stand and/or a back walkover on the floor with no assistance. The gymnast must also be able to do a pull-over on the bar unassisted. Classes are structured to teach correct gymnastics progressions on all four events.

Available: Available

Price: $392.00 - $588.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 8 - 11 years old as of 9/1/2024

Gender: Female

Prerequisites: A pullover on bars unassisted. A back bend kickover or a back walkover on floor unassisted.

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