457 Washington Street Duxbury MA 02332 US

Start date: Monday, June 24 2024.


 On Monday, June 24, 2024, from 12:30 AM to 2:00 PM

 On Thursday, June 27, 2024, from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Resource person: Peter Graceffa (Peter@dbms.org)


Embark on a 1.5-hour sailing adventure aboard our Marshall 22′ Catboat, designed for accessibility and comfort. With wheelchair access, a Hoyer Lift, and 5-Point harness seats offering trunk support, participants of all abilities can safely enjoy the thrill of sailing on the open water. Our program ensures inclusivity and memorable experiences for everyone, with specialized accommodations tailored to individual needs as required.


ACCESSAIL Student to Aid Minimum Ratios
To keep ACCESSAIL’S safety standards at their highest level and provide the maximum comfort level to our students, ACCESSAIL insists on the following Student to Aid Ratios:

Wheelchair Participant: One Participant per One Capable Aid*

*Capable Aid definition is a person who has the capability to provide major assistance in moving the student into and out of the sailboat.

Mobile Student: Two Students/Aid

*Mobile Student definition is that person who has the capability of getting into and out of the sailboat with minimal assistance but may need special care or attention while underway.

Children: Must be accompanied by an adult at all times

Our Fleet comprises two vessels: Catspaw and Duck Soup. Catspaw accommodates up to six passengers and can be equipped with three trunk support seats, while Duck Soup boasts a capacity of eight passengers and the capability to accommodate up to five trunk support seats.

Tags: Child Adult Sailing

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