21 Nadolny Sachs Pvt Ottawa ON K2A 1R9 CA

Start date: Saturday, April 6 2024.


 On Saturday from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM.

 From 4/6/2024 until 6/15/2024

 Pool (indoor)

Location: Pool (indoor) | 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, ON, K2A 1R9


*** The SJCC change rooms will be closed for the duration of the Spring swim session. Washroom facilities will only be available on the upper level. Participants will enter the pool area directly from the lobby. Temporary changing stalls will be available on the pool deck. The only showers in operation will be those on the pool deck so you will need to shower wearing a swimsuit. Ideally swimming lesson participants will arrive to the SJCC already changed for their swim class. ***


These beginners will become comfortable opening their eyes and exhaling underwater. They will be introduced to floating, gliding and kicking and jumping into the water. This level is geared to those who are over 5 and have not learned to submerge underwater and have little or no swimming experience.

Available: 4/5

Price: $90.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 66 - 156 months on the day of the activity

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