1-305 Col. Phillips Drive Shelburne ON L9V 3X7 CA

Start date: Monday, September 18 2023.


 Every 2 weeks On Monday from 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM.

 From 9/18/2023 until 6/24/2024

 Classroom A

Resource person: Noni Thomas

Location: Classroom A | 305 Col Phillips Drive, Shelburne, ON, L9V 3X7


Step into the world of Musaic, where individual voices unite to create a symphony of community and connection. Musaic is more than a choir – it's a celebration of diversity, a place where every voice finds its unique place in a tapestry of sound.

Musaic welcomes singers of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels to join this harmonious journey. Whether you're a seasoned vocalist or simply want to explore the joy of singing, Musaic offers a safe and nurturing space to share your voice and be part of something truly special.

Led by passionate instructors, Musaic blends various musical genres, cultures, and styles, creating a rich and vibrant repertoire that resonates with everyone. Through the power of music, we foster a sense of unity and understanding among our diverse members, turning our differences into beautiful melodies.

As a member of Musaic, you'll not only refine your vocal skills but also forge lasting friendships and memories. Experience the exhilaration of performing together, bringing our community closer through the universal language of music.


Price: $0.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 14 - 99 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: This program runs bi-weekly.

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