27 Rutherford Cres Ottawa ON K2K 1N1 CA

Start date: Monday, March 18 2024.


 On Monday from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

 From 3/18/2024 until 6/3/2024

 Online - Zoom

 Lee Kachroo

Resource person: Lee Kachroo


This class is taught at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels and is designed to help children with very little or no computing background learn Python.  We will learn:

  • Syntax and Semantics
  • Print and Input/Output
  • Operators and Variables {Local, Global)
  • Functions
  • Conditionals, if, else, elseif
  • For and While Loops

Each week we will cover a concept and program projects using the concepts.

Learners create interesting graphical user interface projects and games in the course.

Available: Available

Price: $25.50 Taxes not included

Prerequisites: MIT Scratch

Tags: Monday Intermediate Coding Text Coding

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