#8, 6th street east Cornwall ON K6H 2N4 CA
This business hasn't set up their Amilia store (yet).
If you'd like to be able to shop for their classes, memberships and merchandise online, let them know!

Start date: Tuesday, January 24 2017.


 On Tuesdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

 8 times starting 1/24/2017

Description: Designed specifically for 3rd graders, this five-week class gives kids a fun first robotics experience. Each 90 minute class is divided into two 45 minute segments. The first segment is devoted to building structures and running "experiments" that teach kids how to build with Lego Technic as they learn about simple machines, wheels, levers, gears, and rubber band-powered vehicles. The second segment focuses on using simplified NXTG commands to program our new Draw Bot to draw a square, a house, and even their name! Kids literally SEE what they programmed--what could be cooler?

Price: $200.00 Taxes included

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