#8, 6th street east Cornwall ON K6H 2N4 CA
This business hasn't set up their Amilia store (yet).
If you'd like to be able to shop for their classes, memberships and merchandise online, let them know!

Start date: Thursday, January 26 2017.


 On Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

 8 times starting 1/26/2017

Description: program uses fun elements that help children learn different skills. This program can be extended to include language, literacy and social science skills addition to sciences. LEGO® WeDo™ Construction kit will be used to design interactive machines with two sensors. The students will learn how to program them on the computers using the drag and drop coding software like Scratch (An open source MIT developed software for children for animation, games and storytelling). The program will give the students an opportunity to explore their creativity and let them put to practice the engineering rules that they have learnt. LEGO® WeDo™ helps children create real life models in a simple to make way. LEGO® WeDo™ construction kit is an excellent platform to teach children engineering knowledge and skills. We use this platform to make their learning experiential.

Price: $200.00 Taxes included

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