167 rue Aberdeen Sherbrooke QC J1H1W1 CA

Start date: Friday, January 5 2024.


 On Friday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

 From 1/5/2024 until 4/26/2024

 Dojo de Sherbrooke

 On Monday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

 From 1/8/2024 until 4/29/2024

 Dojo de Sherbrooke

 On Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.

 From 1/10/2024 until 4/24/2024

 Dojo de Sherbrooke

Location: Dojo de Sherbrooke | 167 rue Aberdeen, Sherbrooke, QC, J1h 1W1


Dans ce cours, l'accent sera mis sur l'apprentissage d'un premier kata et sur un travail dynamique avec partenaire (ex. Renshu Kumite Ichi). Aussi, sera abordée l'autodéfense contre des attaques armées.

Price: $14.95 Taxes not included

<p><span class='promotion-title'>This price is prorated because the session has already begun.</span><br /><br /><strong>$14.95</strong><br />Price reduced. Was at $360.00.<br /><hr />

Prerequisites: Avoir obtenu sa ceinture orange en Shorinjiryu Shindo.

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