2341, rue de la Rivière-du-Berger Québec QC G1P 3N6 CA

Start date: Monday, April 15 2024.


 On Monday from 7:30 PM to 8:25 PM.

 From 4/15/2024 until 6/3/2024

Resource person: Intervenant: Maryann Côté

Location: Centre JB Lafrance 4075 rue Maria-Goretti


Hatha yoga. Exercices doux et techniques de relaxation qui favorisent la détente profonde.

60 ans et plus 63$

Available: 7

Price: $71.00 Taxes included

Required age: 16+ on the day of the activity

Notes: Apporter votre Tapis de sol

Prerequisites: -

More information: Grande salle

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