457 Washington Street Duxbury MA 02332 US

Start date: Monday, July 8 2024.


 Every day from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

 From 7/8/2024 until 7/12/2024

Resource person: Kenzie Thompson <kenzie@dbms.org>


Did you know sharks are fish?! Along with learning what Bluefish and Great White Sharks have in common, participants will get plenty of hands-on experience on the water. Participants will learn how to set and cast a fishing rod on land before setting out to try and bring home dinner! Back on land, participants will be able to use our state-of-the-art Marine Science lab to dissect a dogfish shark.
*This program includes a field trip to Chatham for a Shark Reciever Tour.

Available: Full

Price: $475.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 9 - 13 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: This program uses a 15 passenger van to transport students & on field trips. Participants in this program will go Chatham for Shark Receiver Tour. The schedule might change slightly on the day of the field trip. More details will be provided via email leading up to the start of the program.

Prerequisites: Competent Swimmer

Tags: Child Marine Science

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