Tax ID 22-6049190 Loveladies NJ 08008 US

Start date: Friday, July 26 2024.


 On Friday, July 26, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Figure Drawing will cover the basics of observational figure drawing, focusing on gesture and motion, introductory anatomy, modeling the human form through an understanding of light and shadow, and capturing movement and emotion in 2D artwork.  Students will draw extensively from the nude (and sometimes draped) live female and/or male model. All serious artists, beginner through advanced, are welcome to participate (students under the age of 18 years must have signed permission forms from their parent/guardian).  Each class session will consist of a variety of poses, from quick gestures, to longer studies. There will be individualized instruction and group critique.  Students can expect a very positive, fun, casual and nurturing class environment. Life drawing is a fundamental skill that has been a core foundation of art education for centuries.  It helps art students to develop observational skills, a sense of proportion and perspective, and attain an understanding of the human form, anatomy and physical expression.   

Available: 12

Price: $50.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 18+ on the day of the activity

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