750 Spadina Ave Toronto ON M5S 2J2 CA

Start date: Tuesday, May 28 2024.


 On Tuesday, Thursday from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

 From 5/28/2024 until 6/20/2024


MNjcc’s Small Group Training program is an exclusive training system for those who are seeking the expertise of, and motivation from, a personal trainer.

Natalia's Women of Power program is meant for women who want to learn and practice the fundamentals of powerlifting. Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Part of each class will be dedicated to learning technique and form, and the remaining time will be spent mastering these lifting techniques. As a woman powerlifter, Natalia has a unique perspective on the way womens' bodies should be trained differently in this particular sport. Natalia will share the knowledge she gained from her personal experience as a trainer and a powerlifter on why women in particular should not be afraid to lift heavy weights and how beneficial it is to women's health.This class is limited to five (5) participants, offering members the chance to exercise as part of a small team, while enjoying the benefits of personal training at a lower price point. 

Available: Available

Price: $192.50 Taxes not included

Tags: Spring

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