PO Box 1891 (Tax ID# 84-0940886) Edwards CO 81632 US

Start date: Monday, March 25 2024.


 On Monday, Wednesday from 5:20 PM to 5:50 PM.

 From 3/25/2024 until 4/10/2024

 GRC Pool

Resource person: chovater@mountainrec.org

Location: GRC Pool | 52 Lundgren Blvd, Gypsum, CO, 81637


Learn-to-Swim Level 3

This course will allow students to learn and practice survival floating and learn to swim front crawl and elementary backstroke. You introduce the scissors and dolphin kicks and extend the time duration for treading water. Pre-requisites for this level are idenpendent swimming on front and back for at least 5 yards. Each lesson is limited to 6 children.


Aprende a nadar nivel 1

Este curso permitirá a los estudiantes aprender técnicas básicas de flotación, inmersión y natación. Esta clase está diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes a sentirse más cómodos dentro y alrededor del agua. Cada clase está limitada a 6 niños.

Available: Full

Price: $50.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 7 - 18 on the day of the activity

Notes: Proper swim attire is required for this course. No cotton or denim in the pool. Goggles are recommended, but not required. No goggles that cover the nose.

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