1A Dougals Avenue Yorkton SK S3N 2R7 CA
This business hasn't set up their Amilia store (yet).
If you'd like to be able to shop for their classes, memberships and merchandise online, let them know!

Start date: Tuesday, September 11 2018.


 On Tuesday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

 From 9/11/2018 until 4/30/2019

 Jennifer Ingham

 On Thursday from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

 From 9/13/2018 until 3/21/2019

 Jennifer Ingham

Resource person: Jennifer Ingham

Price: $0.00 Taxes included

Prerequisites: Must have the following skills AND approval from Cheer Director: Handstand Cartwheel Bridge

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