PO Box 306 Ingersoll ON N5C 3K5 CA

Start date: Monday, July 29 2024.


 On weekdays from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM.

 From 7/29/2024 until 8/9/2024

 Thamesford Area Swimming Pool

Resource person: thamesfordpool@zorra.ca / 519-485-2490 ext. 7285

Location: Thamesford Area Swimming Pool | 204 George Street, Thamesford, ON, N0M 2M0


Swimmer 1 is intended for beginners who will work on becoming comfortable jumping into water with and without a lifejacket. They'll learn to open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. They'll work on floats, glides and kicking through the water on their front and back.

* The Thamesford Pool provides lessons based on the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program.

Please contact the pool if you are not sure which level is appropriate for your child.  For their safety, if your child is registered in a class that does not meet their abilities, we will attempt to place them in the correct level, space permitting. Due to strict class sizes, we can not guarantee a spot in the correct class.*

Available: 1

Price: $56.00 Taxes waived

Notes: Lessons will run on holidays and in light rain or overcast weather. Due to the short pool season, missed or cancelled classes will not be made up. Refunds will not be considered after the 2nd lesson.

Prerequisites: At least 5 years of age. No prior swimming lessons are required.

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