8 Brookley Road Boston MA 02130 US

Help C3 Support Staff & Operating Expenses During COVID-19

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To Our Wonderful C3 Community,

2020 continues to be a challenging time to be a circus education business. Although we are making it through, it is an incredibly tight time. Throughout the first three years of C3’s existence, we have felt so welcomed and supported by this Jamaica Plain community. During this recent uncertain time, we have continued to feel overwhelmed by how many of you have reached out with offers of support and love. We feel such gratitude towards you all! Many of you have asked how you can support C3's teachers and day-to-day operating expenses. Here are some ways you can help:

1. If you are able, please donate. We are facing a massive loss of income from reduced and canceled classes and programs. Any amount helps, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

2. Buy a gift certificate! Email us at info@commonwealthcircus.com and let us know how much you'd like to purchase and we'll take it from there. 

3. Join us for online or in-studio classes! All online classes are open to the public, so you can feel free to pass these circus-learning opportunities on to your communities!

4. Send a note of support to a staff member and let them know you are thinking of them: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEKpVKEK71dxfkVutWT2pSsLYvU1P4kSFNwlWIiXMae0d_yA/viewform

Thank you for supporting and believing in us throughout this year. Our gratitude for your community spirit is endless.

Best, Sophia