7 Tips On How To Efficiently Protect Campers From Sun Damage
When you can, you should aim to plan the most intense activities either early in the morning or in the evening when the sun is lower in the sky. Take inspiration from the practice of a “siesta” and schedule-in lower-intensity activities, or even take the group indoors during the hottest parts of the afternoon.
When programming is outside, make sure it’s in an area where there is access to trees or shelters to take breaks from the sun. Make sure your camp monitors have early access to facility bookings so they can easily plan where the groups are going to take breaks in the shade. If a particular participant starts to feel overwhelmed by the heat, you’ll have the perfect place for them to take refuge, not to mention that storing everyone’s personal belongings in a shady spot is ideal for keeping water & snacks cool and electronics from overheating. Parks and Recreation should provide adequate Sun-Proof Equipment: go the extra mile by grabbing sunshades or canopy tents to bring on site to provide even more opportunities for a sun break. These are crucial for all day events like soccer tournaments, swimming competitions or even special events like a festival! If the opportunity arises and the budget allows, consider pushing for permanent structures to be built wherever activities are commonly held and there isn’t natural shade.
Communication and Sun Safety Education is The Key
Help your participants understand the importance of sun safety by mentioning the potential long-term effects of sun damage. Whether we expect it or not, there isn’t always the same understanding of sun & heat risks across all members of the public. Whether they are young or old, it’s helpful to explain the “why” behind all these guidelines to help get everyone on board. Communication is key! Remember to use your online software platform to communicate with parents and kids about the importance of sun protection.
Promote the Importance of Wearing Sunglasses for Camp Activities
Depending on the activity, sunglasses or sport-safe sunglasses that block UVA and UVB are a crucial way to prevent eye-damage. Prolonged exposure can result in cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye problems. So, when you are purchasing or recommending eyewear to your participants, make sure they meet the minimum protective requirements and aren’t just for style.
Make sure Camp Managers and Monitors Offer Constant Supervision
As the person responsible for the activity or program, stay alert to potential risks and keep an eye out for symptoms of overexposure. Always have a plan in place if someone is exhibiting the signs. You might notice excessive sweating, swaying or confusion as the first signs of heat exhaustion. As the persons’ condition worsens their skin will dry up, they feel nauseous or pass out. At that point, it’s time to call an ambulance. Don't forget on setting sun safety regular reminders! It’s easy to get caught up in the fun. Set yourself key times to remind your participants of all the above strategies covered! If applicable, you can even make it part of your staff’s routine, have them mention it as part of scheduling announcements over a loudspeaker or make it part of a playful activity with kids.